Tag: Politic-ed

Trump and Giuliani- why nothing will happen to them

Trump and Giuliani- why nothing will happen to them

Recent news has showed that Trump and Giuliani have committed yet another alleged crime. This time, it's stated that Giuliani had a Trump associate pressure Ukraine for dirt on Joe Biden for the upcoming 2020 Presidential election.  But despite this, even if it is true, it's likely that nothing will happen to Trump or Giuliani. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Why will Trump and Giuliani be safe? We have seen this time and time again, Trump breaks the law, the law does nothing to Trump. Why should this time, when Trump's lawyer, has committed a crime, be punished?  Whilst his opponents call for an impeachment, for the four hundredth time in Trump's presidency, Trump jeers them. Trump and Giuliani know that nothing will come from it anywa...
Why Emmanuel Macron will kill any future Brexit extension requests

Why Emmanuel Macron will kill any future Brexit extension requests

Recently, Boris Johnson sought an extension to Article 50, something that was granted, but Emmanuel Macron played hardball. There was a lot of speculation as to whether Emmanuel Macron would agree to such an extension to Brexit.  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Who is Emmanuel Macron? Before we delve deeper, we need to establish some base facts on Emmanuel Macron, this is not a comprehensive biography to any means. However, Emmanuel Macron is the President of France, and by extension, France is the third biggest economy in all of Europe. Macron previously worked as a writer and as a financial inspector for the IGF. However, Macron has also worked in a high paid investment banker position at Rothschild et Cie. Banque, leaving them in 2012. In 20...
“Socialism or Communism will  take over Britain after Brexit or in the next 10 years”- My thoughts

“Socialism or Communism will take over Britain after Brexit or in the next 10 years”- My thoughts

Brexit is less than 3 months away, we have spoken often on it, but now, I want to reveal my opinions on the British political system post-Brexit. I believe firmly that the post-Brexit United Kingdom will lead to either a socialist or communist uprising/revolt/revolution. Why do I believe that Socialism or Communism will take over? Many people’s initial reaction to this is “Yeah right!” or “This is just some old timer who doesn’t understand the world.” First of all, I’m only in my mid-thirties, so not that old (although my kids would disagree). Secondly, this article was written because I was recently in a secondary school near to where I live.  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); At the aforementioned school, I was asked to sit in a Year 10 (Americ...
Will Bernie Sanders become President 2020?

Will Bernie Sanders become President 2020?

A while ago, we covered the 2020 presidential election in the US, a comment on that article inspired this one. The comment read, “Bernie Sanders will win 2020, hands down.” This didn’t cause as much controversy as I’d first assumed, but I wanted to address this.  Sanders is much like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a populist and a socialist. In fact, they both belong to the same party- the Democratic Socialist Party.  It’s likely that 2020 will see Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden against President Trump.  Most people assume that AOC will be Sanders’ running mate. Although, it must be stated that she has denied this as of yet. AOC has also formerly endorsed Sanders in his 2020 race.  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); But...
Is Trump a good President?

Is Trump a good President?

Trump has had his presidency mired by controversy, first with the Muller Investigation, and now the fake video. For reference, the video depicts Donald Trump assault and violently kill media critics.  When Trump first took office in January 2017, it was already contentious. Hilary Clinton supporters marched on Washington chanting “Trump [is] not our  President.” This signified to the world that Trump truly was in charge of a divided America. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Trump has continued to run his business whilst in office- going against the Constitution. Trump could’ve given his business to a blind trust- many suspected his children would be the blind trust- but instead, he did not. When this was made public, many called for his i...
Is Brexit even worth the hassle?

Is Brexit even worth the hassle?

In 2016, the British people voted in a referendum, the outcome was that they were to leave the European Union. This move was dubbed Brexit by the media and politicians alike.  I personally don’t like the idea of it, if we want to leave, get it over with. If, as I assume, the British people don’t want to leave the European Union, put it back to the people. Brexit or remain? The people need to decide, not politicians in Brussels and the House of Commons.  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Why do I dislike Brexit? I hinted to this earlier last week, I wrote the following in last week’s article: “Am I the only Brit sick-and-tired of hearing the word ‘Brexit’? I get up, Brexit. I go to bed, Brexit. I go to Europe, Brexit. The word is driving m...
Sajid Javid: Tories aiming for £10.50 an hour national living wage

Sajid Javid: Tories aiming for £10.50 an hour national living wage

Sajid Javid has announced that the Conservatives plan to increase the national living wage to £10.50 an hour. John McDonnell, shadow chancellor, has called this a “pathetic attempt of a game of catch-up.”  After all, John McDonnell is Labour, and the same person who promised the 4 day work week.  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Labour’s 2017 manifesto states the following: “Labour will introduce £10 as a minimum as soon as we take office and, rising with living costs. It will mean anybody over 16 years will be earning comfortably more than £10.50 an hour by 2024.” John McDonnell is confident that the next general election, will be a labour victory. He’s not wrong, confidence in the Conservative leadership is waning. Sajid Javid knows th...
4 day work week- Labour promises it, what on Earth?

4 day work week- Labour promises it, what on Earth?

John McDonnell has promised a 32 hour work week within 10 years, what on Earth is going on? This would reduce the work week to around a 4 day work week. This does not mean another day off, just less hours per day. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The shadow chancellor is adamant that this will come without a “loss of pay.” This comes as a shock. The UK average work week is 42.5 hours, compared to the EU average- 41.2 hours.  McDonnell told Labour’s annual conference in Brighton “We should work to live, not love to work. As society gets richer, we should be able to rest more.” He went on to say “But in recent decades progress has stalled. Since the 1980s the link between increasing productivity and expanding free time has been broken. It's tim...
General Election- Will we get one soon?

General Election- Will we get one soon?

Chaos is gripping Downing Street and Parliament. Polls indicate that we are heading for a general election. But why? With a general election looking inevitable, politicians have been scrambling for support. The PM has twice called for a general election at the end of October, but twice has been rejected. Rival MPs have suggested they will back a national poll. However, only if a no deal has been ruled out.  However polls do not reflect the Labour-Conservative divide.  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); How do the polls reflect a potential general election? Smaller parties have gained larger support. Parties like the Lib Dems; Brexit Party and the Greens have gained support. The support us come as a direct loss to the Conservatives and L...
Why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is dangerous…

Why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is dangerous…

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the new girl in Congress. She is a member of the Democratic Socialist party, the same party as Bernie Sanders. As much as Bernie Sanders is hated by the media, AOC encompasses all the media hates. A young woman with dangerous ideas. But why exactly is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dangerous? For many AOC seems like a good idea- after all, she offers all the general public could want. Free college tuition, Medicare for all, job guarantees and a large scale green project. However, as much as the public may want it, these are not sustainable. But AOC will not back down... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Even though the IRS has said they can’t sustain it with current taxes, AOC has one solution. Tax The Rich! Much like Elizabeth Warr...