Why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is dangerous…

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the new girl in Congress. She is a member of the Democratic Socialist party, the same party as Bernie Sanders. As much as Bernie Sanders is hated by the media, AOC encompasses all the media hates. A young woman with dangerous ideas. But why exactly is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dangerous?

For many AOC seems like a good idea- after all, she offers all the general public could want. Free college tuition, Medicare for all, job guarantees and a large scale green project. However, as much as the public may want it, these are not sustainable. But AOC will not back down…

Even though the IRS has said they can’t sustain it with current taxes, AOC has one solution. Tax The Rich! Much like Elizabeth Warren, AOC is enamoured with taxing the rich. After all, as they have the most money, they should pay. 

AOC herself has come to see one issue- it will not be millionaires and billionaires who are taxed. But the highest earners, lawyers, doctors, engineers and other high paid professions. AOC showed her dismay of this, as this goes against what she wants. 

She has also proposed a tax on corporations. Not just normal corporation tax, but an extra tax. AOC has given different numbers ‘5% of revenue’ and other times ‘15% of profits’. 

However, similarities have been drawn between AOC and FDR. Not just that both have 3 letter acronyms. But that when the US has a recession in either late 2019 or 2020, people will be fed up. And the Trump campaign will do little to stop it. And AOC will capitalise on it, at least politically…

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a radical democrat

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a radical democrat. And whilst we cannot speculate on what will cause a recession, Brexit, the Trade War or another factor. We can say that AOC will ridicule the Fed, “They let this happen, they’re going into overdrive buying stocks and bonds!” 

She is making it very difficult for people to like her. She is attacking the very foundation of America.

Not only has she attacked the Fed, she has also attacked the IRS, for essentially being incompetent.

She’s got radical ideas

She’s young, and idealistic. She believes in a perfect socialist world where everything is perfect, and everyone pays into a perfect socialist governmental system.

She wants to essentially revamp the entire economy, and punish every single rich person in the US. Obviously, this has made the markets very worried.

Many rich people have said that if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gets any more power than she has currently, they will leave the US, including some of the US’s largest corporations.

She wants to allow the government to have more oversight

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is “Fed up of allowing corporations to self-regulate themselves!”

Due to this, she wants to take on corporations head on, not only via more regulation on corporations.

She wants to institute more regulatory agencies to the financial and other services industries. She wants to end a perceived era of ‘no-regulation’ in America, even when most industries are more regulated in the US than anywhere else in the world!