Tag: Star Wars

Let’s Face it – Star Wars is All About Politics…

Let’s Face it – Star Wars is All About Politics…

Ostensibly about two orders of mystical lightsaber-wielding monks and the triumph of good over evil, the Star Wars franchise is actually more of a political thriller, a cautionary tale of how a democracy can slowly be corrupted and turned into a dictatorship. If you take the entire franchise as a whole, you can see that a failure from the mistakes of the past almost inevitably leads to those same mistakes being repeated once again, often to devastating effect. After all, the entire saga takes places within a lifetime - 66 years to be exact... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Prequels Whilst there are dozens of comics, novels and other media that chronologically predate the Prequel trilogy (though comparatively little since Disney's acquisi...