Tag: president race 2020

Who will win the 2020 presidential election?

Who will win the 2020 presidential election?

Many will say that it is too early to predict who will win the 2020 presidential election. But, we will do our best to predict who will win the next presidential election in the US... At the moment, there are eleven people running for president in 2020, eight Democrats and three Republicans. There are currently currently two major debates over who will win the two major primaries, both the Democratic primaries and the Republican primaries. However, most are fairly certain who will win the latter! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Democratic primaries Michael Bloomberg Mike Bloomberg announced that he'd be running for president in 2020. Photo courtesy of Mike Bloomberg Michael Bloomberg is one of the more controversial 2020 candidates. First ...
Trump and Giuliani- why nothing will happen to them

Trump and Giuliani- why nothing will happen to them

Recent news has showed that Trump and Giuliani have committed yet another alleged crime. This time, it's stated that Giuliani had a Trump associate pressure Ukraine for dirt on Joe Biden for the upcoming 2020 Presidential election.  But despite this, even if it is true, it's likely that nothing will happen to Trump or Giuliani. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Why will Trump and Giuliani be safe? We have seen this time and time again, Trump breaks the law, the law does nothing to Trump. Why should this time, when Trump's lawyer, has committed a crime, be punished?  Whilst his opponents call for an impeachment, for the four hundredth time in Trump's presidency, Trump jeers them. Trump and Giuliani know that nothing will come from it anywa...