Tag: Politics


How to Become a Politician in 7 Easy Steps

Arguably one of the most thankless and reviled jobs in the world, politicians are integral to 1. Have an Interest 2. Get Life Experience 3. Join a Political Party 4. Court Your Political Party 5. Get a Mentor 6. Start Small 7. Work Your Way up
15 Incredible Facts About Napoleon Bonaparte You Need to Know!

15 Incredible Facts About Napoleon Bonaparte You Need to Know!

When you think of the greatest conquerors and statesmen history has ever produced, it's hard not to think of Napoleon Bonaparte. This got me thinking, what are some interesting facts about Napoleon Bonaparte we should all know? Upon assuming power, Napoleon's people were bitterly divided. By appealing to both the conservatives and liberals in the country, Napoleon became one of the most beloved world leaders history has ever seen, with his historical significance still playing out today! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 15. Born Into an Influential Family The man history remembers as Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15 1769 on the island of Corsica (which had recently French territory only months before Napoleon's birth), being born to lawy...
15 Out-of-This-World Facts About Politics!

15 Out-of-This-World Facts About Politics!

Since its inception over 2500 years ago, politics has been one of the most divisive concepts humans have ever created. This got me thinking, what are some cool facts about politics? Here they are! Unfortunately, none of these facts center around particular political beliefs, such as liberalism, conservatism, socialism/communism etc. Instead, these are just facts about politics as a concept, that you can use to amaze your friends! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 15. Oldest Republic The first republics were city states in what is now Ancient Greece. Over time, these crumbled, but gave way to the rise of the Roman Republic, who spread across Western Europe before collapsing in the sixth century. Fast forward to today and republics are the most...
What is Anti-Capitalism? Why do so Many People Support it?

What is Anti-Capitalism? Why do so Many People Support it?

In recent years, anti-capitalism has become quite prevalent in the west. Just last week, anti-capitalist rallies were held all around the world, and they aren't the first, not this century and certainly not this decade! Recently, we covered the theory of the corporatocracy. Many of the people who believe that we are indeed in a corporatocracy also believe that in order to stop it, the government needs to adopt an anti-capitalist stance. Naturally, this has caused many to wonder what exactly is anti-capitalism? And, more importantly is it right or wrong? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); What is Anti-Capitalism? Anti-capitalism has existed in some form or another for well over 150 years. It is highly likely that it existed in some crude form b...
15 Dumbest Political Parties

15 Dumbest Political Parties

Politics aside, there have been incredibly stupid political parties. However, which have been the dumbest political parties throughout history? Today we will find out. Most of these parties are fringe groups today, however, some have seen major support in the past. Some of these parties are centrist, others are liberal and others are conservative. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 15. Modern Whig Party Image courtesy of the Modern Whig Party. Students of history may remember the Whig Party of old. Despite the Whig Party of old being disbanded in 1856, the Modern Whig Party claims to be the modern adaptation of the old Whig Party. Just as with the Whigs of old, the Modern Whig Party is a blend of traditional conservatism and liberalism. Ho...
What is lobbying? Is it good for our political system?

What is lobbying? Is it good for our political system?

Every election cycle, you have likely heard one recurring theme, no matter which country you are in: lobbying. This is often used many times by media outlets and political parties to show how corrupt another party/candidate is. But what really is lobbying and is it entirely bad for our political system? Lobbying is defined as: The act of a corporation or person donating to political candidates in order to gain favor if that candidate is elected. It is usually expected that the candidate that has seen a donation, will repay that firm for their contribution. This doesn't necessarily have to be from their own pocket, or campaign finance fund the next time round. But in the form of legislation, through our political system. Legislation can often be more valuable to corporations tha...
Has 2019 broken politics?

Has 2019 broken politics?

The main premise of Politic-Ed is to educate the world on the on goings of politics at the moment as well as useful insight and analysis. Over the past few weeks we have gotten several comments from you telling us that politics is broken. Most of these comments say something along the lines of “2019 has broken politics!” Are these people right, or are they just being a little bit hyperbolic?  A quick Google search of the phrase “Is politics broken?” Yields quite a few results from quite a few respectable media outlets from across the world. After reading a few, from both the US and UK, you’d get the impression that politics is indeed broken. But this is likely not the case... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Politics is broken!  When interv...