Tag: Joe Biden

China is ramping up for 2020, can America contain them?

China is ramping up for 2020, can America contain them?

China is the greatest threat to American superiority since the USSR. China is currently ramping up its military, media abroad and offshore investments. Naturally, this is worrying the US, as they are now seeing an increasingly powerful China, challenge them for global supremacy. How exactly is China ramping up? Before we can answer the main question, we have to talk about how China is ramping up. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Military China's military is ramping up by increasing it's manpower, weapons and drills. China is forcasted to stay the world's largest military with over 2.20 million active military personnel. China is also currently investing heavily in newer, larger and more powerful weaponry. This mainly revolves around the devel...
Trump and Giuliani- why nothing will happen to them

Trump and Giuliani- why nothing will happen to them

Recent news has showed that Trump and Giuliani have committed yet another alleged crime. This time, it's stated that Giuliani had a Trump associate pressure Ukraine for dirt on Joe Biden for the upcoming 2020 Presidential election.  But despite this, even if it is true, it's likely that nothing will happen to Trump or Giuliani. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Why will Trump and Giuliani be safe? We have seen this time and time again, Trump breaks the law, the law does nothing to Trump. Why should this time, when Trump's lawyer, has committed a crime, be punished?  Whilst his opponents call for an impeachment, for the four hundredth time in Trump's presidency, Trump jeers them. Trump and Giuliani know that nothing will come from it anywa...
Will Bernie Sanders become President 2020?

Will Bernie Sanders become President 2020?

A while ago, we covered the 2020 presidential election in the US, a comment on that article inspired this one. The comment read, “Bernie Sanders will win 2020, hands down.” This didn’t cause as much controversy as I’d first assumed, but I wanted to address this.  Sanders is much like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a populist and a socialist. In fact, they both belong to the same party- the Democratic Socialist Party.  It’s likely that 2020 will see Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden against President Trump.  Most people assume that AOC will be Sanders’ running mate. Although, it must be stated that she has denied this as of yet. AOC has also formerly endorsed Sanders in his 2020 race.  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); But...