Tag: Conservative Party

How to Become an MP in 6 Easy Steps!

How to Become an MP in 6 Easy Steps!

Being an MP, or Member of Parliament, is no easy job. You have to attend and participate in debates and serve your constituents and party well. So this begs the question, how do you become an MP? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 6. Have an Interest in Politics 5. Get Some Life Experience 4. Join a Party 3. Build Your Profile 2. Win Your Party's Nomination 1. Get Elected! Do you want to become an MP? Tell me in the comments!
How to Become Prime Minister in 6 Steps

How to Become Prime Minister in 6 Steps

As with becoming the head of state for any nation, being Prime Minister is no easy job. But weirdly, there's not much in the way of rules about how to become Prime Minister. So let's look at the most conventional way... Whilst this may be the most conventional way - and the one followed by almost all Prime Ministers for the last century - you could also become Prime Minister by being in the House of Lords (rather than the Commons), being elected your party's leader and winning a General Election. Sadly, this way (the way most Prime Ministers were elected historically) is becoming rarer and rarer. The last to follow this path was Sir Alec Douglas-Home, who served as Prime Minister between October 19 1963 and October 16 1964 (364 days)! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogl...
15 Interesting Facts About Margaret Thatcher Everyone Should Know!

15 Interesting Facts About Margaret Thatcher Everyone Should Know!

Margaret Thatcher served as the first female Prime Minister of the UK from 1979 until 1990. This got me thinking, what are some interesting facts about Margaret Thatcher that we should all know! During her premiership, Thatcher's unique blend of one nation conservatism, often known as Thatcherism, has led to her being one of the most admired prime ministers in history (often just behind Winston Churchill) as well as one of the most divisive... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 15. Her Father Was an Alderman The woman that would grow up to become Margaret Thatcher was born Margaret Roberts, above her father's grocery store in Grantham in 1925. For most of his life, Margaret's father, Alfred, was the local greengrocer. However, shortly after M...
15 Interesting Facts About Winston Churchill

15 Interesting Facts About Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill is arguably one of the most famous British political figures in history. Even over years after his death, he is still revered by the public. This got me thinking, what are some interesting facts about Winston Churchill? Most famously, Winston Churchill served as Britain's prime minister from 1940 until 1945, mere months before then end of WWII. Churchill would also serve as the prime minister again, between 1951 to 1955. Even today, we can still see Churchill's legacy. Primarily, this is through the Conservative Party's use of one nation conservatism, which Churchill's father helped to create, and something Churchill would popularize! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 15. Descended From Nobility If you're familiar with Briti...
19 Different Types of Conservatives

19 Different Types of Conservatives

As with many other political leanings, there are different types of conservatives... a lot of them. So what exactly are the different types? And what type am I? Often conservatives are just clumped together and labelled "The right". However, just like the left, there are different types of conservatives! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 19. Social Media conservatives Social media conservatives are one of the more obscure types of conservatives. Their rise has come with the rise of the internet, most notably the rise of various social media platforms. The oldest and crudest form of social media conservatism can be found on MySpace, the first widely-used social media platform. As time progressed, social media conservatism has gotten wiser. T...
Sajid Javid: Tories aiming for £10.50 an hour national living wage

Sajid Javid: Tories aiming for £10.50 an hour national living wage

Sajid Javid has announced that the Conservatives plan to increase the national living wage to £10.50 an hour. John McDonnell, shadow chancellor, has called this a “pathetic attempt of a game of catch-up.”  After all, John McDonnell is Labour, and the same person who promised the 4 day work week.  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Labour’s 2017 manifesto states the following: “Labour will introduce £10 as a minimum as soon as we take office and, rising with living costs. It will mean anybody over 16 years will be earning comfortably more than £10.50 an hour by 2024.” John McDonnell is confident that the next general election, will be a labour victory. He’s not wrong, confidence in the Conservative leadership is waning. Sajid Javid knows th...
General Election- Will we get one soon?

General Election- Will we get one soon?

Chaos is gripping Downing Street and Parliament. Polls indicate that we are heading for a general election. But why? With a general election looking inevitable, politicians have been scrambling for support. The PM has twice called for a general election at the end of October, but twice has been rejected. Rival MPs have suggested they will back a national poll. However, only if a no deal has been ruled out.  However polls do not reflect the Labour-Conservative divide.  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); How do the polls reflect a potential general election? Smaller parties have gained larger support. Parties like the Lib Dems; Brexit Party and the Greens have gained support. The support us come as a direct loss to the Conservatives and L...
Why Britain isn’t leaving Europe, only the EU…

Why Britain isn’t leaving Europe, only the EU…

Since the controversial Brexit vote in June 2016, where Britain voted to leave the EU. British politics has been quite frankly... poor. The British leaders have been squabbling, barely able to come to an agreement within the Conservative party let alone factoring Jeremy Corbyn and his Labour Party. This uncertainty has caused businesses to justifiably emigrate to more stable countries, like Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France.  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The British Spirit Despite the Brexit vote, Britain will remain a European powerhouse. The geopolitical landscape of Britain has not been shifted by Brexit. This is echoed by the past. Whether the aggressor was Napoleon, Wilhelm II, Hitler, or the Communists, Britain h...