Tag: conservatism

11 Conservative Principles You Need to be Aware of

11 Conservative Principles You Need to be Aware of

In recent years, the term "conservative" has been distorted to say the least, both by the left and the right. This got me thinking, what are the conservative principles that most conservatives believe? Naturally, not all conservatives will agree with 100% of these "standard" conservative principles. After all, that's why there are different types of conservatives. However, most conservatives hold these views! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Small Government and Taxes Small government is perhaps one of the most famous conservative principles. Alongside this, most conservatives also believe in incredibly low taxes as well. Generally, conservatives agree that there should be an emphasis on local government over the central government. They tend...
Are Conservatives Racist?

Are Conservatives Racist?

With the recent death of George Floyd and President Trump's rebuttal of the subsequent protests has led many to claim that Trump and conservatives in general are racist. So are conservatives racist? As always many of these conservatives have defended themselves, claiming that they are not racist. This has further led them to being called racist. Today we will truly find out whether or not they are racist. Many have even claimed that this will jeopardize President Trump's re-election and that Joe Biden will win a landslide because of it. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); What is Racism? "Racism" is a word that gets thrown around a lot these days. Almost everything can be seen as racist in some context or another by one group of people or anot...
19 Different Types of Conservatives

19 Different Types of Conservatives

As with many other political leanings, there are different types of conservatives... a lot of them. So what exactly are the different types? And what type am I? Often conservatives are just clumped together and labelled "The right". However, just like the left, there are different types of conservatives! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 19. Social Media conservatives Social media conservatives are one of the more obscure types of conservatives. Their rise has come with the rise of the internet, most notably the rise of various social media platforms. The oldest and crudest form of social media conservatism can be found on MySpace, the first widely-used social media platform. As time progressed, social media conservatism has gotten wiser. T...
Can you be an atheist conservative?

Can you be an atheist conservative?

For many the concept of atheist conservatives are polar opposites. Liberals are portrayed as the new, free from religion political group. This contrasts with the god-fearing, ultra religiosity of conservatives. This has led to the belief that if you are an atheist, you can't be a conservative, right? Wrong! You can be an non religious conservative, it is possible! And this minority of conservatives is growing rapidly. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The god complex When you think of a traditionally conservative country or state, you probably think of Saudi Arabia and Texas. Despite the fact that conservatism in the west is often associated with Christianity, Islam also works here too! Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia is probably the most conservati...