Tag: Calvin Coolidge

Why Charles G. Dawes Was The Most Important Vice President You’ve Never Heard of!

Why Charles G. Dawes Was The Most Important Vice President You’ve Never Heard of!

Though the name Charles G. Dawes is seldom remembered in early 20th century American politics, only being remembered for the post-WWI Dawes Plan that dealt with postwar reparations, Charles G. Dawes was the most important vice president you've never heard of! Serving as Calvin Coolidge's vice president after his re-election in 1924, Dawes helped the Coolidge Administration pass several bills, chief among them being the McNary-Haugen Farm Relief Bill (although Coolidge did end up vetoing this). But it wasn't necessarily what he did in office that made him arguably the greatest vice president, it was what he did before and after being vice president, such as being a war hero, a Nobel Peace Prize recipient and Ambassador to the UK to name but a few. (adsbygoogle = w...
15 Poorest Presidents in History!

15 Poorest Presidents in History!

It's often said that politics won't make you rich. Fortunately, a few presidents have been able make a decent living from their political careers. Many more have failed to do this, so who were the poorest presidents? There are two main ways that we could measure this: before their presidency and after their presidency. For the purposes of this article, we will look at both, but it will be primarily after their presidency. All of these president's net worths are accounted in modern dollars (all adjusted for inflation). (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 15. Millard Fillmore Today, Millard Fillmore is remembered for being among the worst presidents in history, having succeeded the similarly inept Zachary Taylor, after he died in 1850. He is als...
15 Worst US Presidents in History!

15 Worst US Presidents in History!

During any presidents' tenure, at least one pundit will claim that they are among the worst US presidents in history. However, which are truly the worst of all 46 presidents to date? Throughout his presidency, Donald Trump has been called one of the worst US presidents as well as a fairly good president. We have deliberately left out the previous president and the sitting president (Obama and Trump) to avoid the issue being too political. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 15. Rutherford B. Hayes Following Ulysses S. Grant's departure from the White House, Rutherford B. Hayes was elected as the next President. Hayes served in that role between 1877 and 1881. As with Grant, and several presidents before him, Hayes' presidency saw the reconstructi...