Tag: adolf hitler

15 Interesting Facts About Adolf Hitler Everyone Should Know!

15 Interesting Facts About Adolf Hitler Everyone Should Know!

Today, Adolf Hitler is one of the most hated men to have ever held political office (and that's saying something!) This got me thinking, what are some interesting facts about Adolf Hitler that everyone should know? Regardless of your political views, we can probably all agree that Hitler was a truly horrible human being. Not only did he lead Germany down the path that led to WWII, he also systematically eliminate six million Jews and other "undesirables" in the holocaust. As such, much has been written about his life so that future generation (eg. you and me) don't ever make the truly horrible decisions that Adolf Hitler did... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 15. Born Poor But Lived The High Life As with many famous world leaders, Hitler w...