
Why Jeremy Corbyn really lost the General Election

Why Jeremy Corbyn really lost the General Election

The General Election was a resounding Labour loss and Conservative win. It was by far the worse loss Labour has ever seen. Many people put the loss down to the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, and his lack of sincerity and connection to the people. But there is one major reason why Jeremy Corbyn lost the General Election: people love his policies, on paper, but struggle to see how he'd implement them if he was elected. It's not that people dislike Jeremy Corbyn's policies, rather it's the opposite, they love them. But most people believe that they are too good to be true, and that he won't actually put them into place if he was made prime minister. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); What are some of Jeremy Corbyn's policies? Free broadband for all. Fre...
Why do politicians always lie?

Why do politicians always lie?

When it comes up to an election, a common trope is that you can't trust politicians. Why? Because politicians always lie to us. But is that strictly true, or is there more behind the saying? Whilst some politicians do lie deliberately (think Watergate, Clinton-Lewinsky etc.) most politicians don't lie deliberately, it's merely that their policy hasn't got enough bipartisan support to push it through the legal body of a given country. Most of the "lying" we see politicians doing is rather unintentional. Rather than it being a deliberate lie in order to get people's vote, it is merely a policy idea that doesn't have the popularity to get through the legal body. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); What are the general reasons for politicians lying accide...
China is ramping up for 2020, can America contain them?

China is ramping up for 2020, can America contain them?

China is the greatest threat to American superiority since the USSR. China is currently ramping up its military, media abroad and offshore investments. Naturally, this is worrying the US, as they are now seeing an increasingly powerful China, challenge them for global supremacy. How exactly is China ramping up? Before we can answer the main question, we have to talk about how China is ramping up. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Military China's military is ramping up by increasing it's manpower, weapons and drills. China is forcasted to stay the world's largest military with over 2.20 million active military personnel. China is also currently investing heavily in newer, larger and more powerful weaponry. This mainly revolves around the devel...
Who will win the 2019 General election in the UK?

Who will win the 2019 General election in the UK?

A while ago, we did an article on whether there would be a 2019 general election in the UK. We wrote that article due to the dis-contempt among the British people over Brexit... yes again. Why are the British people dis-contempt with Brexit? This has been covered in our previous articles, regarding Brexit, but also the wider internet as a whole. But it boils down to one key reason: Brexit was a lie from the get-go. And when this lie was found out, many people who voted leave, chose to publicly renounce Brexit as a sham. Over the past three years, we have seen three different prime ministers, all of whom have failed to get a Brexit deal in place. Now both Labour and the Conservatives have called for a general election, something that has been granted. (adsbygoogl...
Has 2019 broken politics?

Has 2019 broken politics?

The main premise of Politic-Ed is to educate the world on the on goings of politics at the moment as well as useful insight and analysis. Over the past few weeks we have gotten several comments from you telling us that politics is broken. Most of these comments say something along the lines of “2019 has broken politics!” Are these people right, or are they just being a little bit hyperbolic?  A quick Google search of the phrase “Is politics broken?” Yields quite a few results from quite a few respectable media outlets from across the world. After reading a few, from both the US and UK, you’d get the impression that politics is indeed broken. But this is likely not the case... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Politics is broken!  When interv...
Trump and Giuliani- why nothing will happen to them

Trump and Giuliani- why nothing will happen to them

Recent news has showed that Trump and Giuliani have committed yet another alleged crime. This time, it's stated that Giuliani had a Trump associate pressure Ukraine for dirt on Joe Biden for the upcoming 2020 Presidential election.  But despite this, even if it is true, it's likely that nothing will happen to Trump or Giuliani. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Why will Trump and Giuliani be safe? We have seen this time and time again, Trump breaks the law, the law does nothing to Trump. Why should this time, when Trump's lawyer, has committed a crime, be punished?  Whilst his opponents call for an impeachment, for the four hundredth time in Trump's presidency, Trump jeers them. Trump and Giuliani know that nothing will come from it anywa...
“Socialism or Communism will  take over Britain after Brexit or in the next 10 years”- My thoughts

“Socialism or Communism will take over Britain after Brexit or in the next 10 years”- My thoughts

Brexit is less than 3 months away, we have spoken often on it, but now, I want to reveal my opinions on the British political system post-Brexit. I believe firmly that the post-Brexit United Kingdom will lead to either a socialist or communist uprising/revolt/revolution. Why do I believe that Socialism or Communism will take over? Many people’s initial reaction to this is “Yeah right!” or “This is just some old timer who doesn’t understand the world.” First of all, I’m only in my mid-thirties, so not that old (although my kids would disagree). Secondly, this article was written because I was recently in a secondary school near to where I live.  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); At the aforementioned school, I was asked to sit in a Year 10 (Americ...
Will Bernie Sanders become President 2020?

Will Bernie Sanders become President 2020?

A while ago, we covered the 2020 presidential election in the US, a comment on that article inspired this one. The comment read, “Bernie Sanders will win 2020, hands down.” This didn’t cause as much controversy as I’d first assumed, but I wanted to address this.  Sanders is much like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a populist and a socialist. In fact, they both belong to the same party- the Democratic Socialist Party.  It’s likely that 2020 will see Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden against President Trump.  Most people assume that AOC will be Sanders’ running mate. Although, it must be stated that she has denied this as of yet. AOC has also formerly endorsed Sanders in his 2020 race.  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); But...
Is Trump a good President?

Is Trump a good President?

Trump has had his presidency mired by controversy, first with the Muller Investigation, and now the fake video. For reference, the video depicts Donald Trump assault and violently kill media critics.  When Trump first took office in January 2017, it was already contentious. Hilary Clinton supporters marched on Washington chanting “Trump [is] not our  President.” This signified to the world that Trump truly was in charge of a divided America. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Trump has continued to run his business whilst in office- going against the Constitution. Trump could’ve given his business to a blind trust- many suspected his children would be the blind trust- but instead, he did not. When this was made public, many called for his i...
Is Brexit even worth the hassle?

Is Brexit even worth the hassle?

In 2016, the British people voted in a referendum, the outcome was that they were to leave the European Union. This move was dubbed Brexit by the media and politicians alike.  I personally don’t like the idea of it, if we want to leave, get it over with. If, as I assume, the British people don’t want to leave the European Union, put it back to the people. Brexit or remain? The people need to decide, not politicians in Brussels and the House of Commons.  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Why do I dislike Brexit? I hinted to this earlier last week, I wrote the following in last week’s article: “Am I the only Brit sick-and-tired of hearing the word ‘Brexit’? I get up, Brexit. I go to bed, Brexit. I go to Europe, Brexit. The word is driving m...