Author: Matthew Booten

Matthew Booten is the editor-in-chief of Politic-Ed. Before this, he has been a political analyst and has also been a lobbyist too!
2020 Presidential race- Why a wealth tax never works…

2020 Presidential race- Why a wealth tax never works…

President Donald Trump is in the middle of starting his campaign run for President in 2020. It appears that his main rival will be Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, one of her main proposals if she is made President of the US is her Wealth Tax. Essentially, it is a 2% tax on a family’s wealth if that family’s wealth should exceed $50 million. Once your family is worth over $1 billion, there will be an extra sub charge of 1%, obviously Elizabeth Warren isn’t the first person in US history to propose such a wealth tax, and she will definitely not be last. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Is the wealth tax worth it? Although to those family’s who don’t come anywhere the $50 million threshold, the wealth tax seems fair, and they often call for ...
Why Britain isn’t leaving Europe, only the EU…

Why Britain isn’t leaving Europe, only the EU…

Since the controversial Brexit vote in June 2016, where Britain voted to leave the EU. British politics has been quite frankly... poor. The British leaders have been squabbling, barely able to come to an agreement within the Conservative party let alone factoring Jeremy Corbyn and his Labour Party. This uncertainty has caused businesses to justifiably emigrate to more stable countries, like Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France.  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The British Spirit Despite the Brexit vote, Britain will remain a European powerhouse. The geopolitical landscape of Britain has not been shifted by Brexit. This is echoed by the past. Whether the aggressor was Napoleon, Wilhelm II, Hitler, or the Communists, Britain h...