How to Become a Senator in 9 Easy Steps!

How to become a senator: A worm's eye view of the US Capitol building on a clear day

Vital to our democracy, senators help to debate and amend bills that, if passed, will one day become law. Naturally a very prestigious job, you’ve probably wondered at least once how to become a senator and participate in arguably the most famous democracy in human history.

Though a prestigious job that society arguably couldn’t function without, being a senator is not an easy job. Regardless of your views, your views will always offend at least one person, either because they don’t agree with them, or don’t think they go far enough.

Understandably, it’s also a physically and emotionally demanding job, but one with great benefits and high job satisfaction – as you’re literally participating in the politics so many people revere.

1. Meet The Criteria

Just as with running for president, the Constitution sets out a series of criteria you have to meet to be eligible to run for Senate:

  • Be at least 30 years old
  • A citizen of the United States for the last nine years
  • A legal resident of the state you’re running for Senate in

Interestingly, the senate is the body that scrutinizes the qualifications of its senators, not the judiciary as in other cases.

Though this was done to lessen the power of the judicial branch’s power over the legislative branch, in the US’s early days, the senate didn’t really check the qualifications of senators. As long as they did their job, they were acceptable.

This in turn led to four senators not actually meeting the age requirement set out in the constitution: Henry Frick, who was 29 in 1806, Armistead Thomson Mason, who was 28 in 1816, John Jordan Crittenden, who was 29 in 1817 and John Eaton, who was 28 in 1818.

Though this hasn’t been repeated since, the belief is that as long as you are 30 by the time you are set to be sworn in, you can run and be elected to the senate when you’re 29.

Since the passing of the 14th Amendment in 1868, anyone who has engaged in rebellion or has aided enemies of the US can’t be sworn in as a senator, though this has never been used.

2. Get Life Experience

Before most senators consider working on Capitol Hill, most choose to get a bit of life experience beforehand, both to help shape their world view and make them more electable.

If you don’t currently meet the qualifications for the Senate, getting an education and/or a job will act as a double-edged sword: making you both more electable and giving you something to do whilst you wait until you fit the age criteria.

3. Pick a Political Party

4. Start Small

5. Court Your Party

6. Run For Senate

7. Get Elected

8. (Or) Take Advantage of The 17th Amendment

Though parties take every care to ensure that their candidate is reasonably fit and healthy, senators dying in office is not unheard of. You only need to look at the recent examples of Ted Kennedy (2009) and John McCain (2018) to see that.

When this happens, a state is left without one of their two senators and naturally wants to replace him or her as quickly as possible.

As laid out in the 17th Amendment,

9. Keep Your Promises