Traditionally speaking, African American voters have tended to be more liberal. However, recent years have seen a rise in black conservatives- a small sect within the African-American community who identify as Republicans.
Due to this, they have been featured quite prominently in the media. Often, the left has vilified them, where the right has applauded them. Many of these conservatives are also quite active on things like social media.
Before you read this article, please note something: I am not a racist (I want to state that, because undoubtedly, at least one person will call me it), this article is for education purposes only, it is not a manifesto being for or against black conservatives.
Despite being a relatively recent “phenomenon”, the black conservative movement has its origins as early as the Reconstruction Era!
During the Reconstruction Era, just after the Civil War, many former slaves found themselves still living in Southern states. many of these states were among the most conservative states in the Union.
For the most part, these freemen worked on the same land they had when they were slaves. Again, they were working for the same people who had once bought them, often living in only mildly better conditions.
As such, the vast majority of African Americans supported the Republican Party who’d freed them (who, at the time, were more liberal than conservative). They believed that in only a few years, they’d be able to vote etc.
Despite this, a few families actually prospered. Many of them established businesses that catered almost solely to African Americans, despite the prejudices they suffered whilst establishing and operating their businesses.
For these families, even despite the introduction of things like Jim Crow laws, tended to vote Democrat. This was mostly down to their business-friendly policies rather than their policies on race.
Naturally, many of these extremely wealthy (compared to most black families) black people were looked down upon by the rest of the black community. Over time, a few did begin to vote Republican instead.
Early 1900’s

By the end of the 1800’s and the beginning of the 1900’s, a few more black families had managed to pull themselves out of poverty and become quite prosperous.
This was mostly through getting good grades and managing to get themselves through higher education, despite being ostracized by the rest of their classmates. Although, a few more were down to becoming businessmen.
Due to this, quite a few of these people became fairly conservative. Many of these people, despite being ostracized the rest of the time, were well liked by their peers during debates, even for those with liberal beliefs.
In terms of legislation and elections, however, many tended to vote Republican. This was mostly due to the conservative Democrat’s inability to remove racist policies.
As such, many of these prominent black people, despite holding conservative viewpoints on most issues, tended to vote Republican, with the hope that one day, they’d be equal to white people and the they’d vote conservative.
This was still present with people who had voted Democrat during the Reconstruction Era, mostly because the party had often lessened the extent of the law, and had made running their businesses slightly easier.
Mid 1900’s
The 1900’s in particular was a big time for black conservatives. Previous Democrat governments had often neglected the growing civil rights movement, however, the 1950’s and 1960’s brought it to a standstill.
During most of this time, the Democrats were in control, still relatively conservative (although becoming more liberal each year). Here, the Democrats often repealed racist legislation.
This removed things like racial segregation and allowed more young black people to get educated and live a relatively prosperous life. This in itself had two major impacts on the black conservative community.
On the one hand, the Democrats became the party favored by African-Americans for much of modern history. Indeed, this was due to their handling of the civil rights movement but also their minority-friendly policies.
On the other hand, the Democrats allowed many African-Americans to get high paying jobs, including those in politics. This, in turn, made many of them conservative, with them joining the black conservative community.
During this time, many relatively well off black conservatives began to invest a lot of time into the black church. This in turn, helps to reinforce community, whilst also expressing individuality, a key element of black conservatism.
Late 1900’s

The late 1900’s saw landmarks being made for both the black community and the black conservative community. For the black community, many new laws were passed aimed at helping the black community in general.
For many black conservatives, this was unneeded. Many of them were staunchly against these policies as to them, it almost appeared as an undeserved handout from the government, which they staunchly oppose.
On top of this, starting in the 1960’s, several prominent black conservatives were elected to office, serving for several terms. This saw them enter the public eye for the first time, as a serious group of conservatives.
This has, in itself, lent to making more black people understand that it is ok to have conservative viewpoints. Even if this means sacrificing a few friends who do not share their views.
Especially in the late 1990’s, with the rise of the internet, many black conservative-oriented websites began to appear. Many of these websites focused exclusively on black conservative ideals.
This has even gone to the point of disagreeing with Donald Trump in recent years and even saying he isn’t a good president. Many of these websites were originally developed due out of frustration- all black people are believed to be Democrats.
This has continued to this day. Many of the websites established in the late 1990’s have inspired a new generation of black people to understand that it is ok to have conservative ideals, even if their parents and friends don’t share them.
In turn, this has spawned a new generation of black bloggers and youtubers to create their own blogs and YouTube channels all from the black conservative perspective.
Combined, this has allowed for several black Republicans to take office in several states. This has been both in terms of Congress (both the Senate and the House of Representatives) and as Governors.
Recent years have also seen the advent of social media. This has began to breed a new type of conservative– the social media conservative. With this, many young black conservatives have used social media as a tool.
Through doing this, these new, young, tech savvy conservatives have helped to bring the concept of black conservatism back into the mainstream. This will undoubtedly help more black conservatives take office in the future.
Due to several generations of some families having been conservatives, there is now somewhat of a black elite in conservative circles. For many, these families are seen as the most important members of the black conservative community!
How do Their Views Differ?
The black conservative community have somewhat differing opinions on some issues than their conservative counterparts do. Beyond just that, their views differ on where they are- Europe or the US.
North America

The majority of black conservatives currently reside in the United States, being spread out across the Union, both in majority conservative and liberal states.
Where conservatism in general has seen a slight increase in so-called atheist conservatives, the black conservative community has not. Instead, they have actually gotten more religious as time has passed!
In recent years, “mainstream” conservative, or at least the conservatism depicted in the mainstream media, has become more religious as an excuse for its more “rough” elements.
Whilst undoubtedly, many members of the conservative black community have joined this, most have not. Instead, they have used the church to emphasize community, whilst also allowing for a lot of individuality.
However, this message has been twisted, both by the media and by more extreme members of the community as well. This has been used by them to justify their anti-LGBT stances and their rejection of gay conservatives.
Black Lives Matter
Recent years have yielded what has come to be known as the Black Lives Matter movement, sometimes referred to as the BLM movement. The movement aims to promote awareness of police brutality against black people.
Where most other majority-black groups have criticized police for their seemingly numerous shootings of unarmed black teenagers, for the most part, black conservatives have criticized the BLM movement.
Presumably, there are some members of the black conservative community who do support the BLM movement. However, the most vocal members are more often than not anti-BLM movement.
In this criticism, they often state that instead of complaining about the problem, they should do something about it. That is to say, that they should run for office and get elected, and change it that way.
Other Social Issues
While the community as a whole is more negative towards the BLM movement, as a whole, they are very socially liberal. This has caused rifts within the community itself in recent years.
For instance, while only a few have openly (and publicly) rejected the LGBT community, many of them do actually support it! However, this is less than other “minority” conservatives groups, including Latinos.
On top of this, they tend to be a bit more liberal with the concept of abortion. Again, many prominent members of the community have used their influence in order to shame abortion, and especially pro-choice conservatives.
However, for the most part, they tend to be split on the issue. Only around half of the community believe it should be legal, while around half believe it should be illegal. However, the latter is decreasing year-on-year.

Whilst the majority of the most prominent black conservatives may be in the US, there are still many people in Europe who support conservative ideals.
Race Issues
Whilst in recent years (and months), American conservatives have promoted the theory of “colorblind America”. They state that legislation is not sided towards one race or another.
However, as relative outsiders especially when viewing American politics, European conservatives (including the black community) have completely opposite reactions.
For the most part, they tend to sympathize with movements like the BLM, whilst criticizing things like Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter. Yet, a few members of the community are still critical of the BLM movement.
Indeed, this has caused a rift within the community, with people of all ages both supporting and condemning the movement for various different reasons.
For the most part, conservatives tend to oppose large government. In particular, they tend to oppose large government interfering with the actions of everyday citizens.
For the most part, black conservatives are of the same opinion. In particular, they believe that it is a person’s role to make their own fortune, not rely on others or the government for help.
This has seen many black conservatives criticize things such as welfare, which many other African Americans believe is needed to help them get on their feet. This has even been weighed in on by a Supreme Justice!
Whilst white people often see these opinions as quite silly or stupid, they have good reasons for it. In particular, they want to prove to everyone, especially white people, that they don’t need their help in order to be successful.
Whilst all conservatives may not be capitalists, and all capitalists may not be conservatives, one is usually the other. In recent years, the left has seemingly taken a very left lean, to the point, perhaps of socialism or communism.
During a time where some conservatives have become more capitalist in nature, the black community as whole, including both liberals and conservatives, have been quite amiable to the idea of socialism.
Whilst I am by no means claiming that all members of the community support socialism (because they don’t), many of them do. Or at least a form of socialism through increased welfare to impoverished black communities.
And even this matter has caused rifts in the European community, not to mention those done internationally (with the North American community in particular!) Many older members simply don’t believe that it is the way forward.
Prominent Black Conservatives

The last fifty years in particular have yielded several prominent black conservatives. Perhaps the most famous (or infamous) include:
- Candace Owens
- Thomas Sowell
- Lincoln Alexander
- Nadine Girault
- Kemi Badenoch
- George Rogers
- Lindsay Blackett
- Will Hurd
- Ken Blackwell
- Don Meredith
Do you know any black conservatives? How do their views differ? Tell me in the comments!
Featured image courtesy of Gage Skidmore via Flickr.