When discussing different countries, it’s hard not to talk about their politics- are they conservative or are they liberal? This got me thinking, which are the most liberal countries?
Last week we covered the most conservative countries. So, in no particular order, here are the most liberal countries in the world!
15. Canada
I couldn’t write an article about the most liberal countries on the planet without talking about Canada. Along with many other countries in this article, they have been defining the word “liberal” for over 100 years!
Just as with their close ally and former colonizer, the United Kingdom, Canada has an extremely well developed nationalized healthcare system. Most treatments are free, although private healthcare is available.
Unlike the UK, Canada has one of the laxest drug laws in the entire world. Last year, several drugs were made legal to buy and sell in Canada, including Marijuana. Many in Canada have laissez-faire attitudes to drugs as well.
Canada has one of the highest tax rates on both private individuals and corporations in North America. To add to this, Canada is also one of only nine countries on the planet to have a wealth tax in place.
14. Netherlands
When it comes to the most liberal countries, the Netherlands often pops up. Throughout its history, the Netherlands has made a habit of being very liberal, often pushing the boundaries of what “liberal” means.
The Netherlands is also well renowned for its incredibly liberal drug laws. For many in the Netherlands, doing drugs is seen as a public health issue, not a criminal issue. Buying drugs in the Netherlands is incredibly easy.
Despite having come home to some of the largest corporations on Earth, the Netherlands has incredibly high taxes. These taxes are both incredibly high corporate taxes as well a personal ones.
Healthcare in the Netherlands is free, with the government supplying the majority of the nation’s health service. With that being said, Dutch law states that every adult should have basic health insurance just in case.
13. Denmark
Northern Europe is known for being quite liberal by American standards. Perhaps the country that embodies that the best is Denmark, the country that has inspired many American liberals over the past 50 years.
Denmark’s education system is one of the best in the world. It is well renowned for producing some of the brightest minds in the world, much more than the UK or US can. And the best part is that it is all 100% free!
Since the beginning of the 21st Century, Denmark has seen a drop in the population. As such they have began to have a very laissez-faire attitude towards immigration. Today, 8% of the population are immigrants.
Denmark is also well known for having the third highest personal and corporate tax rate in the EU, followed behind France and Belgium. Denmark has also considered (and abandoned) a wealth tax in the past.
12. Norway

Similarly to Denmark, Norway too is one of the most liberal countries. In many ways, you could say that Norway is much more liberal than Denmark ever could be!
In terms of the economy, Norway is incredibly liberal. Norway is a free capitalist economy. With that being said, the Norwegian government does own a large portion of the largest Norwegian corporations.
To add to this, Norway also has extremely high taxes. These taxes are some of the highest in Europe, and the world! These high taxes are for both corporations and individuals. Just as with Canada, Norway has a wealth tax.
Norway is also known for its very lax prison system. Unless you commit a horrendous crime (such as child murder in broad daylight), you’ll only spend a few years in prison. A very luxurious prison at that.
11. United States
When we covered the most conservative countries in the world, I mentioned that the US was one of the most conservative countries. But you could also argue it is incredibly liberal too…
The US is known as the “Melting pot”, in references to the hodgepodge of cultures that have formed the “American culture”. This is mostly down to the US being very accepting of new cultures, regardless of where they come from!
Nobody likes taxes, but when you look at it, the US has some of the highest in the world, both corporate and private. Many in the US are also in favor of some form of wealth tax on the richest 1%.
For years now, the US has often been at the forefront of the social care system. Pensions, sick pay and unemployment benefits are all payed for by either the state or the federal government.
10. Germany
Germany has a longstanding history of being on the right. Even after the East and West reunited in 1989, many thought that Germany would remain conservative, instead, it became more liberal over time.
Just as with its neighbor, the Netherlands, Germany has one of the highest tax rates in Europe (although less than the Dutch). Germany is also one of only nine countries, mostly in Europe, to have a wealth tax.
Germany was one of the first countries to adopt universal healthcare following WWII. This is paid for through taxes, although German law requires residents to have private or state healthcare insurance.
Since reunification, Germany has seen a population decrease of epic proportions. As such, the German people have become increasingly open to foreign immigration, having one of the laxest immigration laws in Europe.
9. Hong Kong
Although technically not a country, but rather, a special territory of China, Hong Kong is one of the most liberal places on Earth! This is especially surprising given the recent interventions by China in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. With a population of 7.5 million, there are 55 hospitals in Hong Kong, with only 12 private hospitals. Both healthcare and education are completely free!
Although these have been restricted by the Chinese in recent years, Hong Kong is almost free capitalism. Whilst the vast majority of companies are privately-owned, many are owned by the local government.
Hong Kong is also well known for its great social care system. If you’re unemployed, retired, on maternity leave, or whatever, the local Hong Kong government will support you regardless.
8. Sweden
Sweden, just as its other Nordic neighbors, is generally seen as one of the most liberal countries on the planet. As with its Nordic neighbors, they have often helped to set the standard for what modern liberalism means.
Just as with its Nordic neighbors, Sweden has incredibly high personal and corporate taxes. At one point in time, Sweden had a wealth tax on its richest citizens, although that did later fail.
Swedish liberal were the reason why Sweden had one of the most liberal immigration policies in the world. This has resulted in Sweden being home to one of the largest populations of foreigners in Europe!
Education in Sweden is not only free, but also one of the best in the world. The Swedish healthcare system is also one of the best in the world, as well as being free.
7. Uruguay
Not many people have heard of the small South American country of Uruguay. Many people can’t place it on the map, however, that doesn’t stop it from being one of the most liberal nations on Earth.
Quite surprisingly, Uruguay has the highest tax rate in South America, and one of the highest in the world. Corporate tax rates are similarly high too. Uruguay also has its own proto-wealth tax based on everything you own, regardless of value.
Despite its small size and relative obscurity, Uruguay does has universal healthcare to a certain extent. Although, it isn’t particularly great, meaning that most Uruguayans pay for private healthcare if they can afford it.
In Uruguay, education has been compulsory for almost its entire existence. As many in Uruguay are poor, the entire education system is free, from kindergarten to university level.
6. Switzerland
Switzerland is known for being one of the most developed, and expensive, countries on Earth. With that, Switzerland is also one of the most liberal countries on the planet.
In terms of taxation, Switzerland has one of the highest in the world. The richer you are, even in terms of wealth, the more you make the more you pay. This is both to the local and federal governments.
When it comes to the economy, Switzerland has one of the most advanced capitalist systems on the planet! However, the Swiss government doesn’t own the major corporations, instead, they implement laws that corporations can’t get around.
Switzerland is also well known for having one of the best healthcare and education systems. Whilst education is free, healthcare isn’t, although it is heavily subsidized by the federal government.
5. Australia

Australia perhaps surprises you. When thing of liberal countries by American standards, you probably think of the aforementioned countries. Australia? Not so much…
Despite that, Australia is actually quite liberal in terms of immigration, having joined not only CANZUK but also the trans-Tasman travel agreement between itself and New Zealand.
Australia also has some of the highest tax rates in the world. Australia’s corporate tax rate is higher than any other non-socialist country in the world. As with many other countries, Australia has tried to implement a wealth tax, but failed.
Just as with its former colonizer, the UK, Australia too was one of the first countries to adopt universal healthcare. This is completely free at the point of use, however, private healthcare is also available.
4. United Kingdom
As a British conservative, this does pain me in many ways. Despite recent years yielding three victories for the Tories, the UK is arguably more liberal than it has ever been!
During the 1980’s, under the leadership of Margaret Thatcher, the UK was incredibly conservative. Today, this is not really the case. The most recent General Election was a huge victory for the Tories.
But, when you think about it, the UK has pretty liberal things. The UK has perhaps the most famous universal healthcare system in the world- the NHS. Plus, trade unions are still quite powerful, where they aren’t in the US.
Out of the three largest parties in the UK, two are left-leaning/liberal (the Lib Dems and the Labour Party). Beyond just the largest parties, the vast majority of the parties in the UK are liberal, even if they are abysmally small.
3. Finland
To many conservatives and Americans, Scandinavians are often seen as being at the height of liberalism, often being some of the most liberal countries on the planet. Finland is no different.
Finland has had the most female heads of state of any country. To date, Finland has had four female head of states, including the current prime minister. All of this has been at the will of the Finnish people.
Just as with their Scandinavian neighbors, Finland has some of the highest taxes in Europe, with these taxes being applied on literally everything. No exceptions. They have also tried their hand at a wealth tax, which failed.
Finland is also well renowned for its amazing Scandinavian education system which has caught the attention of media outlets around the world. And best of all? It is completely free, funded by the immense taxes.
2. India
For the longest time, India was a part of the British Empire. However, it has never officially joined organizations such as JUSCANZ. Since then, India has become increasingly liberal, to the point where its one of the most liberal countries in the world.
Between the 1950’s and 1980’s, India became socialist, nationalizing any corporations that got too big. Whilst many have since been privatized, the largest are still nationalized, with the government nationalizing companies that get too big.
Despite formerly being socialist, India is now a free capitalist society. However, this does also mean that the Indian government heavily regulates much of the business in India.
India is full of different religions- Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhists and Sikhs to name a few. As such, India is actually a fairly tolerant in terms of religion, with freedom of religion being a fundamental tenant of Indian society.
1. New Zealand
It might not surprise you that New Zealand is one of the most liberal countries in the world. After all, New Zealand’s former colonizer, the UK, and closest ally, Australia are also very liberal.
New Zealand was one of the first developed nations to appoint a female head of state. Since then, New Zealand has had three female heads of state, including the current head of state.
In June 2018, New Zealand’s current prime minster became the first sitting female prime minister to give birth whilst in office. This was celebrated by the majority of New Zealanders, and many woman all across the globe.
New Zealand has fairly high personal and corporate tax rates. Whilst it may not be as much as other liberal countries, it is still quite significant. Following Elizabeth Warren in the US, many New Zealanders have demanded a wealth tax in their own country too.
Which of the most liberal countries in the world would you like to live in? Tell me in the comments!
Featured image courtesy of 10 Downing Street.