Since the dawn of time, people have written down their views on politics. Some of these have been conservative writers, other have been liberal writers.
There have been thousands of politics writers over the years. Some have been great, but many have been terrible.But who have been the most famous of the conservative writers?
13. Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter is perhaps the most famous (and vocal) supporter of President Trump. In fact, she was instrumental, through her writing, in getting Trump elected in 2016.
Coulter has done this through her conservative books and her syndicated columns. Over the years, her columns have appeared in outlets such as Human Events, WorldNetDaily and Townhall among others.
Coulter has written a staggering 11 books, in a period of only 17 years! Many of these books have appeared on the New York Times bestseller list, and have been read by hundreds of thousands of conservatives worldwide!
12. Bill O’Reilly

Although his reputation has tanked in recent years through a handful of lawsuits, his writing has arguably never been better! Bill O’Reilly has been both a political writer and commentator- even having his own Fox News show.
O’Reilly is best known for his TV segment- The O’Reilly Factor. However, this hasn’t stopped O’Reilly from writing almost 30 books in 22 years!
Several of these books have been featured on the New York Times Bestseller list. This is partly thanks to the publishing company, but also a major result of his TV segment (where O’Reilly would promote them to his viewers).
11. Russell Kirk

Russell Kirk is perhaps the most influential conservative writer of the twentieth century. In fact, his book, The Conservative Mind, helped to revolutionize post-WWII-era conservatism!
Russell Kirk, as with many writers of his day, helped to found conservative magazines. Russell Kirk, helped to found two- National Review and Modern Age.
Russell Kirk also held a series of columns in newspapers and the magazines he helped to found. Through these columns, Kirk helped to get Reagan re-elected and gave Pat Buchanan a shot at running against George H. W. Bush!
10. Andrew Breitbart

Andrew Breitbart was perhaps the most influential conservative during the rise of the internet.
Originally, he helped to build both The Drudge Report and later The Huffington Post. After seeing their success, he decided to build his own website, Breitbart News Network, a conservative news and opinion website.
Breitbart also wrote a syndicated column on politics and the state of the US for The Washington Post in 2011. As with other conservative bloggers, Breitbart wrote a book on politics, and the destruction of the old media elite.
9. Barry Goldwater

Barry Goldwater is the living embodiment of conservatism. In fact, his nickname was “Mr. Conservative“! Goldwater’s impact on the resurgence of conservatism in the 1960’s is well documented…
And part of this was due to his eight books. These eight books were all released during the 1960’s and helped to bring conservatism back to the mainstream.
His books helped a new generation understand that conservatism isn’t like fascism. His books helped an old generation connect with “their” way of life. And it all came to a standoff when Reagan and Thatcher were elected!
All thanks to one of many conservative writers, in Phoenix!
8. Jonah Goldberg

Jonah Goldberg tends to be a household name for many conservatives. For over twenty years, he was the editor at National Review. In 2019, he left to become the editor of The Dispatch.
Goldberg has also written three books, the first (Liberal Fascism) reached the New York Times Bestseller list, only seven weeks after its release. The subsequent two have also become bestsellers too!
Jonah Goldberg has also become quite famous for toeing the line between conservatism and liberalism. Whilst he holds views akin to most other conservatives, he does hold a few ‘liberal’ ideologies.
Goldberg has also talked about Fox News, criticizing liberals for criticizing Fox News. He spoke about the political media bias of outlets like Vox, MSNBC and NBC (liberal) but how liberals complain abut Fox!
7. Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin is perhaps one of the greatest conservative bloggers of recent times. She first began blogging about conservative issues in 2004, launching
In 2006, Malkin launched, one of the best conservative blogs of all time. Over the years, she has been able to ‘steal’ many other top political commentators, including the illusive allahpundit.
Throughout this time, she has been able to earn a massive fan base through Hot Air, and her own blog.
She has also written a nationally syndicated column, which is featured in both print newspapers and several conservative websites. She has also been a contributor to Fox News in recent years too!
As with many conservative writers, Malkin has also written several books. Many of these books have been incredibly successful and have targeted the ideals of Democrats and explained why they are simply stupid!
6. Alexis de Tocqueville

During his lifetime, Tocqueville was considered to be on the left. He even once said that he wished he could add the word “left” to his name so it would stay with him “forever”!
Tocqueville argued that the purpose of the French Revolution was to further French society into being the most prosperous country on Earth. To help this, he released nine books over his lifetime.
Although these books are about France and in French (but have been translated into English), their principles are applicable to any western country!
How is he considered conservative then? When Tocqueville was writing in the 1850’s, he was extremely liberal. Reading these books in the 2020’s, his books are almost conservative in many ways. It’s just how politics works!
5. Mark Levin

Mark Levin is both a writer and editor. Not only is he the editor of the well-known and respect Conservative Review, but he is also the author of six books since 2005 (and one unrelated fiction book).
Interestingly, rather than trying to write 30 books (as some other conservative writers have done), he prefers to write only a few, packing as much information into one book as possible!
Many of Levin’s books have hit the New York Times Bestseller list, including many in the #1 spot. In fact, one of books, Liberty and Tyranny was at the #1 spot for eleven of twelve weeks!
Unlike other authors, and similarly to Pat Buchanan, Levin writes for the sake of furthering the conservative cause. Once, Andrew C. McCarthy wrote in The New Criterion that he wasn’t as much defending the right as he was providing a plan of attack!
This fact has seen many of his books become staples of conservative’s book collections and best reads for conservatives!
4. Patrick Buchanan

Pat Buchanan is a household name to most US conservatives. He has ran for President three times for various conservative parties (including attempting to get the nomination for the GOP in 1992 and 1996!)
However, Patrick Buchanan is also one of the most active conservative writers of the late 20th and early 21st centuries!
For starters, he has been published on Human Events, National Review, The Nation, and Rolling Stone. To go with this, Buchanan has also co-founded The American Conservative magazine.
The American Conservative is more respected by non-conservatives as it focuses on being conservative and sharing conservative ideals, rather than bashing liberals and their ideologies!
3. Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell is perhaps one of the best conservatives to read. Not only was he perhaps the most respected conservative author of his generation, but he is also a former Marxist!
During the “decade of my (Sowell’s) early twenties”, Sowell was a committed Marxist. However, working for the US government showed him that a Marxist economy wouldn’t work… ever!
As such, this emboldened him to begin writing books from a libertarian conservative point of view. To date, he has written over 30 books, most of which have been on free markets and politics!
2. Glenn Beck

Beck is known for being the owner, founder and CEO of TheBlaze Media. However, he is also one of the most prevalent conservative writers of his generation!
Over the years, Beck has authored 20 conservative books, as well as a conservative comic and several fiction books with conservative undertones.
Thanks to these books, Beck has reached the New York Times Bestseller list four times in four different categories! An achievement that not many others on this list can say they have!
1. William F. Buckley Jr.

William F. Buckley Jr. is well known for being the founder and Editor-in-Chief of National Review, perhaps one of the best conservative magazines to ever be published!
During his lifetime, William F. Buckley Jr. was also involved in writing a weekly newspaper column. This column was about the state of the country as we know it, and was often written from a conservative perspective.
This newspaper column was able to reach almost all mainland US households!
Buckley also saw the invention of the television, and launched a conservative-leaning TV show, which became a staple in many US households!
Got any more famous conservative writers? Tell me in the comments!