A conservative libertarian sounds like something that’s made up. But I assure you, being a conservatarian is a thing! But what exactly is one? What are their views?
A conservatarian is the combination of the words “conservative” and “libertarian”. However, they are neither conservative, nor liberal. But they aren’t centrists either.
Conservatarians are a response to Reagan-era conservatives, the radicalization of the left and the rise of neopolitics. They have a mixture of right and left viewpoints, but don’t identify as Democrats or Republicans.
As a general rule, they are socially liberal, but fiscally conservative. However, some of their viewpoints lean slightly one way, however are leveled out with something leaning the other way!
Their Views
How do conservatarian’s views on politics and the world compare to conservatives and liberals
Pro Business
As a general rule, they are pro-business. They believe firmly in capitalism and that it works. However, they claim that capitalism is a flawed system, however is still a better alternative than the others.
With that being said, they are decidedly anti-cronyism. That is to say, that they are decidedly against allowing big businesses to push smaller competitors out of the market!
They are also opposed to allowing big business control unions. Whether that is stopping those big businesses from stopping employees joining unions or stopping unions from organizing strikes!
They are also largely opposed to subsidizing industries or big business. This stops investors investing in those industries for solely that one purpose! (As when the government announces subsidies, share prices go through the roof!)
Anti-Communism and Socialism
Despite some of their seemingly left-leaning views on business, they are apparently against both communism and socialism.
They believe that it is the job of the government to allow businesses and consumers decide who wins. Not the government.
As such, both communism and socialism are directly opposed to their ideals. The result is that conservatarians often hold slightly more right-leaning views when it comes to communists and socialists.
They also believe that the US (and perhaps their allies by extension) should minimize trade with openly communist or socialist powers as a result. This would be similar to the Reagan-era “No communist trade” policy of the 1980’s!
Empowering States
Conservatarians also believe in empowering individual states and counties as to reduce central government control.
This is done as an attempt to protect people’s civil liberties, which they believe can’t be achieved with an overbearing central government.
They are also for deregulating gun control in order to achieve this as well!
Pro-Life but Indifferent
Another viewpoint borrowed from their conservative roots. Just like many conservatives, conservatarians are pro-life when it comes to abortion.
However, unlike libertarians, who believe in pro-choice at all costs, they are indifferent to others choices and opinions. If they are pro-choice, good for them. If they are pro-life, good for them as well.
Indifferent to LGBT

Perhaps where the more libertarian ideals of conservatarians comes in to play. They are often indifferent of members of the LGBT community.
Where conservatives (stereotypically) are against members of the LGBT community. Conservatives again are (stereotypically) against same sex marriage or anything similar.
Libertarians, on the other hand, are often incredibly open to members of the LGBT community. Libertarians support same sex marriage, as do their conservative libertarian counterparts!
Conservatives are often against the use of hard drugs (particularly marijuana) as well as being against prostitution.
Libertarians on the other hand are all for decriminalizing them. They see the use of hard drugs or doing prostitution as stemming from another issue. As a result, they aim to tackle that issue to prevent people from turning to prostitution or hard drugs.
Conservatarians on the other hand are all for decriminalizing both of them. However, they believe that by decriminalizing them, the issues will go away in many respects. Not to mention the social stigma!
Skeptical of the President
Conservative libertarians are often very skeptical of the president regardless of what party they are from!
They are skeptical of President Trump, just as they were skeptical of President Obama. Just as they will be of the president that follows Trump, whether that is in 2020 or in 2024!
This is mostly down to them only supporting half of the president’s policies. For example, they may dislike Trump because of his support of conservatives who dislike the LGBT community.
A Strong Military
Perhaps where the “conservative” in conservatarian comes into play. They believe, just as conservatives do, that we need to have a strong military at all times.
That means that we should have the best quality weapons, aircraft, training, ships, logistics and ammunition imaginable! Where would this all come from?
They are often against the idea of reducing military spending, as we are in an unparalleled period of peace. They believe that our military is our best deterrent for future conflict.
So we should never lower for it. We should only ever raise our military spending in line with inflation, or beat it!
Peace at All Costs
Perhaps in contrary to their strong views on the military. They also believe that we should try to have peace at all cost. Just as libertarians and liberals believe!
They believe that going to war should be a last resort, and that our military should only ever be used as a showpiece. They believe that democracy and negotiation should be preferred.
They believe that if we can even save one life from choosing not to go to war, then the period of unrest that precedes and follows is completely worth it. Regardless of what the media and populous think of it!
Not so open borders
Conservatarians are most left-leaning in terms of their views on borders. Whilst they don’t believe in completely abandoning borders as we have currently, and adopting a more EU-style border system. They do believe in something similar.
They do believe that the borders should be relatively open. However, they believe that they should be more open than they are already.
Unlike libertarians, who see no difference between legal and illegal immigrants. Their conservative libertarian counterparts do! They believe that there is a difference, however, it is only slightly so.
This is compared to conservatives who do believe that we should almost totally block ourselves off from immigrants. Perhaps only letting highly skilled immigrants into the country!
Reform ICE

Almost everyone has heard of ICE. They are infamous not only in the US and Mexico, but across the world too! Their tactics have become ingrained in the US’s global image, for better or for worse.
Conservatives support ICE in capturing illegal immigrants, holding and later deporting them. Libertarians often don’t. In fact, many libertarians support the “Abolish ICE” movement, which aims to do just that!
However, conservative libertarians often don’t want to do that. Instead of abolishing ICE, they’d rather reform it. They would remove the most violent aspects of ICE (such as detaining children) and replace them with less violent regulations!
Despite their opinions on border security and ICE, they still believe in using deportation.
They believe that if an immigrant, whether legal or illegal, commits a heinous crime, they should be punished. Whether this is serving prison time and then deportation, or just being deported wholesale.
They also believe that if an immigrant commits a crime in general, they should not be easily let off the hook for it. (Unless it’s a really petty crime like jaywalking, then I’m sure that’s forgivable!)
For many conservatarians, the idea of God is irrelevant. To them, whether you believe in a higher power or not, doesn’t matter.
They believe that if there is a god, he will guide them to do what is best in general. Not for just a few, and not for everyone either!
However, they also believe that if there isn’t a god, that it is up to them to do what is right for people in general. This can be done by observing the facts, the figures and talking to people who will be affected by it.
They believe that only then, can they truly serve the people!
Not Democrats, not Republicans
Conservatarians often don’t identify as conservatives or libertarians (hence the name!) As such, they often don’t identify as Democrat or Republican.
Whilst some may abstain from voting for a candidate from either of those parties. Some will.
Often, the candidate who gets their vote is the one who they most sympathize with. The one who often tackles the issue that they believe will best suit everyone, not just themselves.
This is to the point where they will even vote for a candidate that they don’t like in order to get the best outcome in general!
Notable Conservatarians

Notable conservatarians include:
- Rand Paul
- Ron Paul
- F. A. Hayek
- Milton Friedman
- Walter E. Williams
- Ludwig von Mises
Do you know any conservatarians? What do you think of their ideals? Tell me in the comments below!