During each election, there is often one thing made clear: class warfare. Politicians use it during debates, as a way to stop other politicians in their tracks. But few actually know what it is…
Class warfare is the notion that politicians actively try to stoke anger of one social ‘class’ against another. For example, socialist parties may try to stoke the anger of the working class against the upper classes.
How is class warfare used during an election?
There are many ways class warfare can be used in an election, but there are two main ways: to create hysteria or stop hysteria.
But several other methods also exist.
- To create hysteria– sometimes, a party isn’t at the center of the election. As such, they require an external hand in this. And telling people that a group of rich people are behind all their problems- and you’re the only one who can save them is certainly appealing!
- To stop hysteria– Sometimes, there is a hysteria far larger than what could be created by politicians. So, they group together and get
- To garner media attention
And all this has the effect of making the one creating a state of class warfare, seem like the true ‘man of the people’. And as such, garner more votes in hopes of winning the election
Examples of when class warfare was used to swing an election

A common misconception is that it’s only politicians who do this. In fact, many others also do this- it’s just that politicians tend to get the rap for it as they are a more public face of the movements.
- 2019 UK General election- Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn and his right-hand man John McDonnell tried to garner votes by pledging to increase taxes on rich
- Occupy Wall Street- whilst it may have happened before the 2012 presidential election, it did impact the outcome, however, in the end, the Democrats still won the election!
- Arab Spring- organized by many average citizens, after the rich had used the police as their own private army, the Arab Spring aimed to stop this once and for all. To which, it was only partly successful
- October Revolution- yes that October revolution! Whilst firmly on the more radical side of the scale, the October revolution in Russia is a classic example of extreme class warfare, where the poor overthrew the rich
- The constitution- some American socialists argue that their country was founded on class warfare. The founding fathers used the constitution to enrich themselves at the expense of others. However, this has been hotly debated since it was brought up!
- 2020 Presidential election- despite having only just gotten underway, we have seen a lot of divisive language used. Both Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have used class warfare to divide America!
Types of people who use this technique?
- Politicians
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes is a prime example of this, so is Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn!
- Businessmen (according to socialist politicians)
- Warren Buffett (billionaire investor) has also agreed with these politicians claiming that it isn’t fair that his class is waging (and winning) this war. Although he has since given away much of his wealth!
- Nobility (according to socialist politicians)
- Bloggers (who often call for this tactic to be used
- News anchors (same reasons as bloggers)
- The everyday Joe (think Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street. They were both organized by everyday people, only enhanced by the news media!)
- Radicals (usually left leaning, although some right-leaning ones may also appear too!)
Is it as bad as people think it is?

ABSOLUTELY! Class warfare is probably one of the dirtiest tricks in all of politics!
This is down to its inherent divisiveness (which is also what makes it so effective!) Essentially, it splits you right down the middle and says “you’re either one or the other!”
And naturally, due to the laws that be. Whether right, wrong or indifferent. Means that most will be on one side, compared to a comparatively low amount on the other side.
This, naturally means that many will be upset. After all, nothing hurts quite like the truth does!
How this ends
You may now be having misconceptions that this tactic is entirely effective, and is used to win most major elections. But it’s not.
In fact, now, more than ever, politicians are dropping their sponsorship of this tactic. There are a few reasons why this has been done, but in essence, the reason is simple:
Th public and journalists alike know the tactic. Journalists can spot it from a mile away, and then take to their medium to write about it.
And this isn’t in a positive tone either. In fact, it is often very negative, and costs more votes than it brings!
And as for the journalists, they don’t do it because they can, or because they must. After all, we still have freedom of the press (for the moment anyway) and this means that political parties will remain free from tampering with the press.
In recent years, where socialist parties have tried to use this tactic to win an election, it has failed drastically. It is arguably one of the biggest reasons Jeremy Corbyn lost the general election in the UK recently!
Journalists saw that he was doing this, and as such, they wrote about it. Something that just added another reason, to the long list of reasons why people didn’t like Jeremy Corbyn!
What does the future hold?

This tactic, as dirty as it is, as wrong as it is. Will be used again. And again. And again. Until someone (or something) stops them.
Perhaps one day in the UK or the US, the division will get so bad that there will be a revolution. But that day is closer than one may think. Although further away too!
For now, we will have to stay ever vigilant and observe the coming elections. We will have to stay wary of the fact that in these coming elections, class warfare will be brought up.
SO, we need to know how to spot it- simple! Whenever someone (not just a politician) brings both the working man and a billionaire or CEO and says that it isn’t fair. You will know that now, he/she is promoting class warfare!
What do you think? Will we see more of it in the future? Tell me in the comments!